PHoto Uploader
Photo Uploader
This is where you upload photos for the Northumbria in Bloom competitions. Follow the form directions below to get started.
The Photo Uploader will be live (from the 1st June 2024). Between this date and the 31st August 2024 you will be able to upload your photograph following the information below
Only ONE photo is required for IYN entries. The photo uploader is programmed to only allow one It’s Your Neighbourhood image to be uploaded.
Only ONE photo is required for all other Bloom entries entries. The photo uploader is programmed to only allow one image to be uploaded.
Mains and Specials Images
Please upload your image for Mains or Special Awards between 1 June 2024 and 31 August 2024 only. Do not attempt to upload an image at the time you enter the awards.
Remember that the image you submit is your golden opportunity to share your achievements with others. If you choose not to upload an image we will substitute a random horticultural photograph which will say nothing about your entry.
Images must be submitted in landscape format, ie wider than it is tall. Please note that a portrait format image, ie taller than it is wide will not display properly at the awards event and NiB reserves the right not to display it.
Your image should show one scene only. Please do not submit images which display a collection of photographs (a composite or mosaic arrangement). We will not be able to use them.
Finally, your photograph must have been taken during the current Awards year – January 2024 onwards. When you press ‘Submit’ you are confirming that you have read these notes and complied with this measure.

Please select your entry type, confirm that you have read and understood the image criteria and you will be taken to the Uploader page once you have selected “Submit”